Sole Focus Project


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Sole Focus Project – Summer Newsletter

Summer newsletter header

Mental health and the great outdoors

Get outside while it’s still summer! Whether it’s a mountain hike, a picnic in
the park, gardening or simply lounging in the sun, a does of fresh air in nature
lets your body and your mind take the break they need and deserve. Read more

3 reasons to take a vacation this summer

Canadians miss out on an average of three earned vacation days every year.
While you may feel that’s a small sacrifice to make to get the job done, the
consequences may be bigger than you think.

Canadians spend about a third of their lives in the workplace. Even though it
might seem productive to keep our noses to the grindstone, when we fail to
disconnect, our job performance can actually decrease. Plus, without work-life
balance, we put our minds and our bodies at risk. Read more

Meditate for your mental health

You hear about it more and more: meditation for your mental health. But what
is meditation? And why is it so beneficial?

Many of us have meditated without even realizing it. If you’ve ever sat in silence
and enjoyed a moment to yourself, you’ve meditated. If you’ve ever stopped to
focus on your breath, you’ve meditated. Read more

Kids Help Phone ultimate back-to-school guide

Heading back to school after summer vacation? Here’s how to get ready for
class. Whether you love, hate or are indifferent about going back to school,
it’s something every student has to prepare for. Here are a few ways to make
the transition from summer vacation to a new school year easier: Read more

Suicide Prevention

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

The Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch
(CMHA-WECB) in partnership with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
(WECHU) is leading a campaign to bring awareness about mental health
promotion and suicide prevention. We have gathered a large network of
community partners to plan and organize the third annual Suicide Prevention
Awareness campaign. This year events will occur throughout the month of
September (click here for the 2018 Calendar of Events). The Suicide Prevention
Awareness Month planning group includes representatives from all sectors
including Workplace, Health Services, Community, School Boards, and Post-
Secondary Institutions. Visit our website for more information.

Ripple Effect
