Sole Focus Project


Get the Facts

Our Ambassadors

Erika Pozzuoli, BSW, MSW, RSW

Owner, Social Worker

Pure Mentality, Mental Wellness Boutique

My entire life was spent building up and maintaining my walls, and now I spend every day getting people to take theirs down.

Understanding my own mental health has been vital in opening my wellness boutique which assists individuals foster positive mental wellness and regular self care.

Allowing people to own their stories, share their futures and develop themselves are beautiful gifts my clients share with me every day. Joining the Sole Focus Project is going to allow me to continue to build awareness around mental health and its impact on our community. Everyone has something to add to the conversation around mental health, and I am determined to help every individual feel heard. I am honoured to be an ambassador and welcome a world of change in both my small business and personal life. Those walls kept you alive, it is time to see over them.

Pure Mentality
