Sole Focus Project


Rock Your Sole

The Comeback Tour

Rock Your Sole is the signature fundraising event of the Sole Focus Project. The casual, rock-themed party has become an annual event enjoyed by all who attend. We will rock you!
We would be honoured to have you as a sponsor!
Hundreds will gather at the LaSalle Event Centre on Saturday, April 29th, 2023 for a night of awesome entertainment, great food and drinks, friends and fun!
We invite you to take advantage of the sponsorship opportunities during the event in support of CMHA-WECB’s Sole Focus Project and the Youth Wellness Hub Windsor-Essex. As a sponsor of Rock Your Sole, you will enjoy sensational benefits and experiences while celebrating at the event!
Thanks to the generosity of Sole Focus Project supporters like you, we have been able to:
• Field over 800 Mental Health Promotion requests from the community
• Attend over 100 health fairs interacting with over 10,000 individuals
• Provide over 270 education sessions to more than 9,600 elementary and secondary school students
• Provide over 550 education sessions to more than 4,800 employees at their workplaces
• Conduct 21 ASIST training sessions resulting in 556 new Suicide First Aid Caregivers
• Conduct 34 safeTALK training sessions resulting in 614 new Suicide Alert Helpers
• Conduct 6 Suicide to Hope training sessions resulting in 81 individuals trained in recovery and growth